Hey Folks,

I hope everyone’s new year is treating them well. It’s been a bit chaotic here but overall it’s okay.

I was invited to an anthology I’m pretty excited about. I haven’t written anything for about two years now. I’m not sure if I can talk about the anthology at the moment but I believe it will be out sometime this year. All that I can say is that my story is due at the end of March.

March 2nd Grindhouse Press will be on the road. We’ll be vending at the Scarelastic Book Fair in McCordsville, IN. We vended there last year and it was by far our most successful event. We won’t have copies of all of our titles this time, only books from the last three years. We maxed two tables last year and would need three tables at this point. I figured it was time to condense our setup.

On the heath side of things, I’ll be sedated and having injections into my cervical spine (neck) on February 12th for the degenerative disc disease. The pain is really amping up. It sorta feels like I have permanently hit my funny bone and the pain throbs down my neck and shoulder and in my right arm (sometimes into my fingers), making it difficult to raise my right arm. It makes it hard to put on a coat or shirt, wash my hair, or reach for anything above my head. I really hope the injections work. They didn’t the last time. Not sure what steps they’ll want to take if they don’t. A few years ago an ortho doc wanted to do disc replacements in my neck but I declined because I was able to tolerate the pain. Not sure what this new doc will do. I keep electing the injection because my new doc covers any cost my insurance company doesn’t.

Other health stuff, I purchased a walk pad to put under my home standing desk. I walk a little over two miles a day at the moment. I didn’t think I’d be able to walk and do graphic design but as soon as I changed my mouse I haven’t had any issues. Ortho doc said the best thing for degenerative disc disease is to be upright and moving (low impact). It definitely feels better than sitting at a desk like my day job. It also helps some with my knee. I’ve been trying to find a new remote job to utilize it more but after about 50 rejections I think I give up. I keep looking for something that’s not too much of a pay cut but everyone ‘prefers’ a bachelor’s degree. Sorry, I’m just a dumb high school graduate I guess. My other option would to be to work two jobs, which would mean I wouldn’t have time for Grindhouse.

Anyway, I’m still alive. Hope everyone is doing well.

C.V. Hunt