I’m still here . . .

Hey folks!

The holidays are almost here. We celebrate Festivus here. Ha ha. A lot has happened again since I last checked in. I hope you all are doing well.

I got married. Yep, twice divorced and swore I wouldn’t do it again. I think aging, and the fact Andy and I have been together for almost eleven years had changed my mind. We kept it small, only immediate family, and got married in our back yard during the solar eclipse on October 14th. A week later we went to New Orleans for our honeymoon. It was my first time there and I had a blast. We ran out of time and money and I didn’t get to do everything I wanted but I’m hoping I’ll be back again someday.

Right after getting hitched, and before the honeymoon, our day job informed us that their biggest customer was starting their own repair business. If you don’t know, Andy and I work at the same place, doing the same job, data entry. We work for a company that repairs wrist watches. Since the announcement, the amount of work we get each day has been cut in half, which means our hours have been cut. The situation has been stressful to say the least.

We left early one day since we ran out of work and when we returned the next day we told there was a layoff after we were gone. I spoke with one of the leads and requested a layoff, thinking it would be the best way for Andy to reach a full 40 hours a week. I was told no. I was also told they would basically invent a job for me to do and what they were explaining was something I wasn’t interested in at all. Luckily for me, no one ever follows through with any of their promises where I work. But unluckily, Andy and I are only getting 30 -32 hour per week now. My goal was to take a layoff and bust my ass to find a new job. Instead, we were both forced to find second jobs to supplement our income. I started Doordashing (and looking for a new job) and Andy started a short career in fast food. I’ve been using Indeed and Zip Recruiter for the job hunt and the only people who’ve contacted me are scammers or employers who want to offer me half of what I’m making now, which would be less than unemployment.

On the quest to find a new job, I discovered some data annotation jobs online. Andy took the grueling tests and passed so he dropped the fast food and now works online in his spare time. I was fortunate enough that a group of authors discovered what was happening and they had a ton of covers and interiors for me to design. Good thing too! Doordashing after dark is creepy af. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever carried pepper spray. And after talking to another author who suggested I should push the graphic designs to make some extra cash I decided to put myself out there for work. So, if your and author or publisher that needs a cover designed, or a book interior laid out, you can check out this page to find out more (https://cv-hunt.com/squidbar-designs/).

Nothing much else going on here than a mountain of stress. The health is about the same. I’m guessing my brain is too involved with finances to realize I might be sick anyway.

Hope your holidays are great!

C.V. Hunt