I’m a busy bee.

Hey Folks,

Sorry it’s been a while. Life has been crazy. We’re finally in our new house. Again, I apologize. My memory is terrible so I don’t know where I left off with what’s going on.

The house is great but man was it a pain. The previous owners left a lot of stuff behind. I mean, they left almost everything except their clothes. We had to make several trips to Goodwill and we set a ton of stuff at the curb for people to take at least four times. We had to get everything out just so we could paint.

Upon getting into the house I discovered some puffy paint by the shower which meant we had a leak. Three plumber visits later, and a nice hit to the wallet, and we were told whoever installed the shower stall (we don’t have a tub) installed it incorrectly, and the only way to fix the problem was to have a new stall put it. Long story short, we ended up going with Bath Fitters. Even longer story short, they’re coming again on Monday to take more measurements. The issue is that our shower space is only 33″ X 33″ in a corner. Bath Fitters shower bases are 36″ X 36″ so they’re trying to figure out if they can make a custom base for us. All I know is that I would like for shower to stop leaking and I’d like to stop missing so much work to deal with it because… mortgage payments.

We’ve run into a few other issues with the house. The hot water heater is about to give up the ghost. The previous owners had a reverse osmosis system put in that needs all the filters changed which will cost $600. It’s been nonstop. We had some funds saved knowing there would be problems but we didn’t think it would completely wipe us out. We’re both considering picking up second jobs soon. I’m thinking Grubhub so I can make my own hours.

I’m hoping to get our Little Free Library installed in about three weekends. This weekend I have to paint the new cabinet doors for the bathroom, descale the water heater and hope it’s not too late, and do some yardwork because next weekend we’re hosting a singer songwriter for something our town does called Porchfest (basically a ton of houses allow musicians to play on their porches).

On the health front I’m doing okay. Still having some issues with my knee even after physical therapy. I sent a message to the knee doc because he said if I still had problems he wanted to get an MRI. He’s out of the office until the 18th so I don’t imagine I’ll hear from him until some time after that. The hip injection is still holding up which is good. They did a few injections for my shoulder but nothing seems to help. I go back for another next week. Oh, and I’m also down to just taking baby aspirin for my heart after several docs asked why I was on blood pressure meds and a blood thinner even though I haven’t had any afib since the second heart surgery. And I keep forgetting I need to set an appointment with my GP because she wants to run some auto immune tests. My schedule is so full.

Got a message today about a review in Rue Morgue about an anthology I’m in, American Cannibal. Here’s a photo.

I’m currently reading through submissions for Grindhouse Press. I’m hoping to be though all of them and have decision by the end of September because there is some even crazier stuff happening in October that I can’t share just yet.

Hope you all are doing well and enjoying the kickoff to Halloween season.

C.V. Hunt